Support The Peak News Journalistic Ethics and Media Vocational Training and

Internship Program for Pikes Peak-region High Schoolers and Homeschoolers

Congressman Jeff Crank:  The Peak News Educational Foundation

(remarks from January 30, 2025 “Taste of The Peak” Event)

Your One-Time or Monthly Gift Helps Us “Say the Quiet Stuff Out Loud”, Even Louder!

The Peak News Educational Foundation is a Colorado non-profit corporation that has been granted 501c3 status by the IRS.
Your donation is tax deductible as a charitable contribution to the extent that the law allows.
Other Ways to Donate (click for info)

Thank you so much for your generous donation to The Peak News Educational Foundation!

The Peak News Educational Foundation is a Colorado non-profit corporation that has been granted 501c3 status by the IRS.  Your donation is tax deductible as a charitable contribution to the extent that the law allows.

Credit/Debit:  To give a One-Time or Monthly Recurring Donation using your Credit or Debit card, use the Donate button on this page or click HERE


Otherwise, here are alternative payment options:

  • Mail Check:  The Peak News Educational Foundation, 6547 N. Academy Blvd, #150, Colorado Springs, CO  80918
  • ACH:    Please email us at [email protected] or text/call (719) 337-6850 with the amount of the Donation and we will issue you an online ACH Invoice

Any issues?   Please reach out to us at:  [email protected] or text/call (719) 337-6850

    Partner with The Peak News Educational Foundation to train up a new

    generation of bold, ethical, First Amendment-defending journalists

    in the Pikes Peak region and beyond…for such a time as this!

    Having reviewed the impressive bios of Chaim and the Board members, I am confident in the exceptional caliber of leadership and expertise that will drive this initiative.  Your collective experience and dedication to journalistic ethics provide a solid foundation for the program’s success, and your commitment to upholding the highest standards in journalism is both inspiring and reassuring. 

    I am particularly excited about the prospect of implementing this program within District 11.


    Superintendent of the D11 Colorado Springs School District

    (read full support letter below)

    What is The Peak News Educational Foundation?

    Meet Intern James

    Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed:

    everything else is public relations.

    George Orwell

    The Peak News Educational Foundation

    The Media is sometimes referred to as “The Fourth Estate” because it is responsible for keeping the three official branches of government in check, as well as hold accountable those in positions of power in every sphere. 

    Free societies require journalists to be independent and ethical watchdogs so that we all remain accountable to our shared values and the common good.  Unfortunately, and to our extreme detriment, influential political, economic, and activist entities have corrupted most news organizations, and any remaining conservative or even moderate voices are being continually demonized and cancelled.

    The Peak News offers a multi-platform news service that includes AM/FM radio broadcasts, podcasts, and website.  Our Citizen journalists, both professionals and volunteers, deliver straightforward and engaging news coverage, emphasizing transparency and accountability.  Our motto is:  We say the quiet stuff out loud!

    The Peak News Educational Foundation was created to help ensure that our society remains informed, empowered, and free, by training up the next generation of integrous journalists and broadcasters to be champions of the First Amendment and ethical reporting

    Our non-profit foundation was formed in order to create and administer The Peak News Journalistic Ethics and Media Vocational Training Program, coupled with a professional-level internship at The Peak News.  By providing both ethics training and practical hands-on experience to local high school and college students, we will empower our students with the tools necessary to be truth-tellers for their communities. 

    The Foundation’s stellar Board of Directors (see bios on our Foundation website: is committed to providing program participants with both curriculum- and experience-based education.  Board Member John Graham is the former president of the local D49/Falcon school district, and we also have the support of School District Superintendents Peter Hilts (D49/Falcon), Michael Gaal (D11/Colorado Springs), and Ken Witt (Woodland Park) to assist us in the development of the program for implementation in their respective high schools.

    Please consider giving a ONE-TIME or (better yet) a RECURRING DONATION to The Peak News Educational Foundation

    Your donation will be invested in the development of the professional course curriculum in Q3 and Q4 of 2024, and the implementation of the high school (11th and 12 grades) pilot program in Q1 2025 for local students in the Pikes Peak region.

    Together, we will make a significant impact on both our young people and the media landscape in the Pikes Peak region and beyond…

    Thank you for your generosity!


    February 2025 “Pay It Forward” New Year Fundraising Drive

    Goal:  $10,000

    The Peak News Educational Foundation is a Colorado non-profit corporation that has been granted 501c3 status by the IRS.
    Your donation is tax deductible as a charitable contribution to the extent that the law allows.

    A Personal Letter from Our Executive Director, Chaim Goldman (click to read)


    In 2018 our family prayerfully relocated to Colorado Springs after living in Israel for almost a decade, and then spending years in itinerant ministry back in the United States teaching the Gospel of the Kingdom from coast to coast as Repairing the Breach Ministries.  We sensed that our calling to the Pikes Peak region would have great impact, but we could not have possibly imagined how diverse and far-reaching it would be.

     January 2018, our move to live in Colorado Springs after years on the road


    If you’ve been blessed in any way by the work of our family, including: The Peak News; Church Voter Guides; our home fellowships and Biblical feast events like the annual Passover Seder at The Road; our events and public speaking in the arenas of faith, government, education, and media; my personal mentoring and counseling; or the other radio programs I’m honored to host at Salem Media; then…

    We will greatly appreciate your support for our new non-profit organization to instruct local youth in journalistic ethics and media vocational training:  

    The Peak News Educational Foundation


     “Let the People Go!”:   Chaim and Moshe Goldman speaking against the COVID lockdowns

     Preparing another Church Voter Guides grassroots marketing campaign

    Passover Seder 2024 at The Road @ Chapel Hills with Senior Pastor Steve Holt


    The Peak News

    The Media is sometimes referred to as “The Fourth Estate” because it is responsible for keeping the three official branches of government in check, as well as hold accountable those in positions of power in every sphere.  Free societies require journalists to be independent and ethical watchdogs so that we all remain accountable to our shared values and the common good.  Unfortunately, and to our extreme detriment, influential political, economic, and activist entities have corrupted most news organizations, and any remaining conservative or even moderate voices are being continually demonized and cancelled.

    While our family loves to serve the Kingdom in any capacity, my college degree is in Broadcasting and I am truly passionate about impacting the Media, and so it’s been wonderful to return to it in both a professional and ministerial capacity in service to our community.   I now produce and host the Crosswalk and Partners in the Gospel programs on 100.7 FM The Word, Salem’s Bible Teaching and Talk Station and, after many years in development, in January we launched The Peak News on AM 1460/FM 101.1 The Answer, Salem’s news-talk station.  The Peak team recently broadcast our 100th episode!

    The Peak News is a hyper-local news talk program that airs live 3 – 4pm Monday – Thursday, and is the only daily local program on the station.   Our community-focused mission is to provide crucial media accountability and transparency through ethical journalism and utilizing a citizen-reporter/intern operating model.  Our mandate is to shine a light on every sector of society in the Pikes Peak region, highlighting the good and calling out the not-so-good.  “We Say the Quiet Stuff Out Loud!” is The Peak’s motto, and we’ve been doing that for the past six-plus months through the topics we cover, the guests we interview, and the questions we ask that you don’t ever seem to hear on broadcast media.

    For more info about The Peak News and to check out our 100+ podcasts, visit:

     After Interviewing Colorado Springs Mayor Yemi Mobolade on The Peak News

    about Colorado Springs’ “Non-Sanctuary City” status and how it can be enforced through actual policy, and other topics

    (listen to Mayor Yemi’s episode in Week 5 on our Podcast page)


    The Peak News Educational Foundation

    The Peak News Educational Foundation non-profit was formed this spring to develop and implement The Peak News Journalistic Ethics and Media Vocational Training Program for local youth, partnered with professional-level internships at The Peak News.  By providing both ethics training and practical hands-on experience, local high school and college students will be equipped and empowered through the program with the necessary skills and tools to be trusted truth-tellers for their communities and to gain employment in the field.

    The Foundation’s stellar Board of Directors (see bios on our Foundation website: is committed to providing program participants with both curriculum- and experience-based education.  Board Member John Graham is the former president of the local D49/Falcon school district, and we also have the support of School District Superintendents Peter Hilts (D49/Falcon), Michael Gaal (D11/Colorado Springs), and Ken Witt (Woodland Park) to assist us in the development of the program for implementation in their respective high schools.


    The Peak News Educational Foundation Executive Team

    Chaim Goldman (Exec. Dir), Andrew Dalby (Board Chair), Linda Sommer (Secretary),John Graham (Treasurer), Rick Stevens (Vice Chair), Pastor Jeff Anderson (not pictured)


    I serve as Executive Director of the Foundation, and Zach and Yoni, our 18 and 16 year old sons, are currently engaged in summer internships at the radio station, assisting with both The Peak News and our educational initiative.

    We’re also excited to announce that our very first intern at The Peak News, James Fiddler, who graduated high school this spring and has been volunteering with us since right after we launched, was hired by Salem Media last week as a Production Engineer.  Congrats to James and a big “Thank You!” for his dedication and performance.  That’s how media internships are supposed to work, by getting you on the inside and providing real-life experience so that you can prove yourself into employment.  🙂

    For more the information about our Foundation, Board, and Ethics Program, please go to:



    August 2024 “Back to School” Fundraising Goal:   $10,000

    The Peak News Educational Foundation is a registered Colorado non-profit and has filed for 501c3 tax exempt status with the IRS.  We are now conducting Phase 1 fundraising to develop the curriculum and infrastructure for our pilot program, as well as for grant writing to apply for funding from other local foundations.  Our current financial goal is to raise at least $10,000 before the end of August 2024, including half in recurring monthly donations.

    Will you please consider giving a ONE-TIME or (better yet) a RECURRING DONATION of any amount to The Peak News Educational Foundation to help us meet our fundraising goals?

    Your donation will be invested in the development and implementation of the high school pilot program for local students in the Pikes Peak region with a planned launch of Q1 2025.

    Together, we can make a significant impact on both our young people and the media landscape in the Pikes Peak region and beyond!

    For all the information about the Foundation and to DONATE, please go now to:  


    December 2023, Rally for Israel at City Hall in Colorado Springs

    Thank you for your donation to The Peak News Educational Foundation in continued support of our family’s Kingdom mission to boldly proclaim the truth in love to our region!

    Together, we win!!

    For such a time as this,

    Chaim & Family

    Chaim Goldman, The Watchman

    Executive Producer and Host, The Peak News

    Executive Director, The Peak News Educational Foundation

    Director, Repairing the Breach Ministries

    Director, Church Voter Guides

    Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost.

    Thomas Jefferson

    The Peak News Journalistic Ethics and Vocational Training Program

    Mission Statement:  “To train up citizen journalists to be truth tellers for their local communities.”

    The Peak News Journalistic Ethics and Media Vocational Program is designed to counteract the pervasive activism in mainstream media by training local youth to uphold the highest standards of journalistic integrity.  Our professional-level course will provide the skills and ethical grounding necessary for aspiring journalists to report the truth professionally, fearlessly, and for the good of their communities.

    The program offers a comprehensive 13-week course designed to equip aspiring journalists with the skills and ethical grounding necessary to perform genuine journalism and lay the foundation for succeeding in today’s professional media landscape. 

    Course Overview (click boxes below for more info)

    Journalistic Ethics Training

    The Journalistic Ethics curriculum covers essential principles and practices necessary for responsible professional journalism:

    Crucial Nature of Journalism: Understanding the role of journalism in disseminating accurate and complete information within a free society.

    Passionate Storytelling:  Exploring the “why” of journalism to discover what makes for great storytelling in general, as well as how to tap into the unique passion and skillsets of each individual reporter.

    Truth-Seeking and Reporting: Methods for seeking and accurately reporting the truth.

    Transparency and Accountability: Serving the community with transparency and accountability while minimizing harm to individuals being reported on.

    Independence and Conflict of Interest: Maintaining independence from personal biases and conflicts of interest, while still allowing for the individual style of the reporter.

    Law and Journalism: Constitutional and legal considerations in journalism, including freedom of the press and libel laws.

    Personal Responsibility: Emphasizing the journalist’s responsibility to uphold ethical standards, personally and of his community, as well as exposing unethical conduct within the media industry

    Diligence and Productivity: Developing a workstyle that allows productivity and personal success in the Media field for the long-term.


    Technical Training

    The Technical Training component focuses on practical skills in information gathering and storytelling across various media formats:

    Information Gathering: Techniques for gathering accurate and reliable information from diverse sources.

    Storytelling Modalities: Training on how to tell and distribute compelling stories in written language, audio/voice, and video formats.

    Tools of the Trade: Equipment skills training for written language, audio/voice, and video formats.

    Assignments: Producing reports on the same news items in different formats to develop versatile reporting skills.

    Internship / Vocational Opportunities

    All of our students will be provided with immediate placement in a real-world internship, primarily at Salem Media radio studios in Colorado Springs, as well as at other local media outlets and production companies.  Key aspects of our internship program include:

    Publishing Opportunities: Interns will publish news reports in various modalities on The Peak News

    Broadcasting Opportunities: Exceptional work may be reported by the intern on our daily news-talk radio program on AM 1460/FM 101.1 The Answer.

    Employment Opportunities: Potential for part-time and “stringer” positions at The Peak News and on other projects as those opportunities become available.

    Cooperative Placements:  Interns will be primarily placed at Salem Broadcasting in Colorado Springs, which operates two radio stations, to gain practical experience.  We contemplate that we will have too many interns that can be accommodated at Salem, and so have already opened channels for students to be placed in internships at broadcasters and production houses across the region.

    Concentration:  The program requires that students learn and practice every aspect of the Media trade, but allows a level of concentration depending on student preference:

    Journalism:  Concentrated on news gathering and reporting.

    Broadcasting/Tech:  Concentrated on radio and audio/video podcast production.

    Letter of Support from D11 Superintendent Michael Gaal (click to read)

    Our Management Team

    The Peak News Educational Foundation Executive Team

    Chaim Goldman (Exec. Dir), Andrew Dalby (Treasurer), Linda Sommer (Secretary),
    John Graham (Board Chair), Rick Stevens (Vice Chair), Pastor Jeff Anderson (not pictured)

    Click boxes below for Bios

    Executive Director: Chaim Goldman

    Chaim Goldman, known as “The Watchman”, is the Host and Executive Producer of The Peak News.  He is a natural communicator who trained from a very early age in public speaking and performance as well as video and audio production.  A graduate of Boston University’s College of Communication with a magna cum laude BS degree in Broadcasting and Film and a minor in History and Political Science, Chaim’s professional career has been an eclectic mix of creative entrepreneurial projects, sales and marketing, audiovisual production, and ministry.  His first fulltime job in the industry was as a Production Assistant at a community access cable TV station in Massachusetts that ran with a primarily volunteer staff, which is very similar to how The Peak News operates.

    A Messianic Jewish Believer and dual American-Israeli citizen, Chaim is the director of Repairing the Breach (his family ministry) and the founder and director of Church Voter Guides.  In January 2023, he joined Salem Media Group in Colorado Springs and now serves as both on-air talent and coordinator of special projects at Salem’s three local radio stations.  Chaim is heard each week on 100.7 FM The Word on the longstanding interview programs ”Crosswalk” and “Partners in the Gospel”, daily on AM 1460/FM 101.1 The Answer as host of The Peak News, as well as in commercials.

    Married for 22 years, Chaim and Kim Goldman have lived, worked, and ministered around the United States and Israel, and currently reside in El Paso County, Colorado with five of their six children.

    Board Chair: John Graham

    John Graham is a father of five awesome adult children, a retired Marine Mustang, helicopter pilot, and combat veteran.  He has also served in various defense industry roles to include critical infrastructure protection supporting the National Guard Bureau and U.S. Northern Command, as well as Executive Officer and Chief of Staff of the Missile Defense Agency’s Space Systems.  John served as President of the D49 Board of Education, where he worked to prohibit Critical Race Theory, improve student achievement and success, increase parental access, encourage agency, and empower teachers to actually teach in the classroom.  John’s has a twofold philosophy on public education:  The first is to meet each individual student where they are and raise them to where they need or want to be by providing teachers the tools and resources they need to do just that.  The second is to ensure that parents and guardians have the right and responsibility to direct the upbringing and education of their child(ren).  John currently serves on the Education ReEnvisioned Board of Cooperative Education Services (BOCES).  He is a subject matter expert on parental rights and choice as well as policy effecting our public education.  John currently serves as a Realtor with Equity Colorado Real Estate, and is a Hero Homes Advantage Affiliate.  He is a Director of the Pikes Peak Association of Realtors.

    Board Vice Chairman: Rick Stevens

    Rick is a homeschooling father of six who spent 20 years as a teacher, private and public, high school and college level, prior to becoming a Financial Advisor.  Rick holds a BS in Business Education and Masters in Curriculum and Instruction, and has developed curriculum for business, marketing, accounting, business law, entrepreneurship, economics, and finance.  His passion is for coaching clients in the stewardship of their resources.  Rick is also an experienced radio personality, and hosts “Money Matters”, a weekly finance show on KRDO News Radio in Colorado Springs.

    Board Treasurer: Andrew Dalby

    Andrew Dalby is a Colorado Springs native and small business owner.  He and Heather, his wife of 25 years, have six children aged 22 to four, all of whom have been homeschooled since birth.  Before Andrew took over the family business, he was a systems engineer for two decades and ran a consulting team with dozens of clients ranging from small firms to international conglomerates and governments.  Prior to that, he managed QC laboratories and performed R&D for nutritional supplement manufacturers.  Andrew has a BS in Biochemistry and an MS in Computer Information Systems.  He was a candidate for Colorado Springs Mayor in 2023.

    Board Secretary: Linda Sommer, MBA

    With a background in clinical psychology, general management and management consulting, Linda has more than 25 years in professional organizational development.  Her experience includes consulting for large corporations, federal agencies and state governments, local municipalities and entrepreneurial businesses. Linda’s expertise includes business process redesign, competency based management models, executive leadership development, organization assessment and redesign, performance metric scorecards, succession planning, visioning and strategic planning.  Linda has a MBA in leadership and human resource management from the University of Colorado, and postgraduate certification from the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) in executive development and in executive coaching from Georgetown University.  She is active in teaching and training with public seminars in project management, success skills for women in management, and personal leadership development.  Linda is a Senior Professional in Human Resources, SPHR and SHRM-SCP.  She has been involved with the 1040 Window since her prayer journey to Nepal in 1997, and has also ministered in The People Republic of China, Hong Kong, and Romania.  Linda lives with her husband, Dr. Craig Sommer DDS, in Colorado Springs and actively pursues painting as a hobby.

    Board Member: Pastor Jeff Anderson

    Pastor Jeff Anderson is a Pikes Peak Region native and graduate of Rampart High School.  Jeff and Nancy served Grace Bible Church in Colorado Springs for nearly 25 years.  He is the founder and President of International Bible Conference, which has ministered to tens of thousands of indigenous pastors in Uganda, India, Nepal, Philippines, Laos, Thailand, Russia, Albania, Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, Liberia, Tanzania, Kenya, and Brazil.   Since May 2017, Jeff has also served our region and nation as the Senior Advisor for Faith Community Outreach for Congressman Doug Lamborn of Colorado’s 5th Congressional District.  Jeff is a regular speaker at youth camps, men’s retreats, and church conferences, as well as at business and political events.   He is also a show producer and on-air personality on Salem’s 100.7 The Word FM, hosting their live 1-hour “Crosswalk” program from 5 – 6pm during Thursday and Friday drivetime.

    February 2025 “Pay It Forward” New Year Fundraising Drive

    Goal:  $10,000

    The Peak News Educational Foundation is a Colorado non-profit corporation that has been granted 501c3 status by the IRS.
    Your donation is tax deductible as a charitable contribution to the extent that the law allows.

    Other Ways to Donate (click for info)

    Thank you so much for your generous donation to The Peak News Educational Foundation!

    The Peak News Educational Foundation is a Colorado non-profit corporation that has been granted 501c3 status by the IRS.  Your donation is tax deductible as a charitable contribution to the extent that the law allows.

    Credit/Debit:  To give a One-Time or Monthly Recurring Donation using your Credit or Debit card, use the Donate button on this page or click HERE


    Otherwise, here are alternative payment options:

    • Mail Check:  The Peak News Educational Foundation, 6547 N. Academy Blvd, #150, Colorado Springs, CO  80918
    • ACH:    Please email us at [email protected] or text/call (719) 337-6850 with the amount of the Donation and we will issue you an online ACH Invoice

    Any issues?   Please reach out to us at:  [email protected] or text/call (719) 337-6850

      Put it before them briefly so they will read it, clearly so they will appreciate it, picturesquely so they will remember it and, above all, accurately so they will be guided by its light.

      Joseph Pulitzer

      Renowned Newspaperman and Founder of the Columbia School of Journalism (which created the Pulitzer Prize in his memory)