The Peak News:  We Say the Quiet Stuff Out Loud!


April 3, 2024

4/3/24:  Faith & Family  –  Forging Pueblo

Hosted by Chaim Goldman and Pastor Quin Friberg

Where’s Pueblo?; Faith and Family Local Headlines; Why the Bible?; Interview:  Quin Friberg, pastor of education and discipleship at Family Worship Center and Founder and President of Forging Pueblo;  Interview:  Laurel Anne Flahive, update on the Colorado Life Initiative; and “The Peak Rants” with Jim Miller

To contact Quin Friberg and for more information about Forging Pueblo:


Why the Bible?

Pastor Quin Friberg


Forging Pueblo

Pastor Quin Friberg

The Peak Elevated:


Pastor Quin Friberg Web-Only Bonus Interview

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