The Peak News Internship Program

As a grassroots, community-focused organization, we are continually recruiting and training media interns from local colleges and high schools to be deployed as reporters, segment producers, co-hosts, and in technical roles, to partner with The Peak’s and Salem Media’s professional staff in the production of our daily episodes.  As far as we’re concerned, the more the merrier!

Check out the available Internship positions (below) and to be considered for an Internship (with or without class credit), please write Zach Goldman with your resume or curriculum vitae and cover letter at:  [email protected]

Meet Intern James

(who just got hired by Salem to work at the radio station!)

The very first thing I tell every intern on the first day is that their internship exists solely on their resume.  As far as I am concerned, they are a full-time member of my team.  For all the negative stereotypes about millennials, you would be astounded by how hard they work when they believe their contribution matters.

Jay Samit

American Digital Media Innovator and Former Independent Vice Chairman of Deloitte Digital